
It just shows that all faiths are uptight


Even though this is a parody and it is about Buddhists, there are Buddhists who would not only be offended but react in a militant and violent way. This is the inherent problem with religion itself. They all have a figure on which to focus. If that figure is attacked or parodied, the pathetic followers wind themselves up and go on the warpath.

That is why everyone should ignore the ceremony and false idols of the pageantry of the religion and focus solely on the philosophy that it pushes. Buddhism is a great philosophy. The philosophies of Xianity and Islam are not bad and worth pursuing by their followers. It is the phony bullshit that is slapped on to give a job to some schmuck in a robe that is inherently bad.

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Happy Winter Solstice, you thieves!

Link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/boingboing/iBag/~3/475823282/atheist-sign-by-nati.html

A little xmas card idea for everyone, courtesy of your friends at the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

At this season of
may reason prevail.

There are no gods,
no devils, no angels,
no heaven or hell.

There is only
our natural world.

Religion is but
myth and superstition
that hardens hearts
and enslaves minds.

"Most people think December is for Christians and view our signs as an intrusion, when actually it's the other way around," he said. "People have been celebrating the winter solstice long before Christmas. We see Christianity as the intruder, trying to steal the holiday from all of us humans."

- Dan Barker, Foundation co-founder

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Though for the day

St. Francis Xavier, founder of the Jesuits, said "Give me the child until he is seven, and I will give you the man," meaning, of course, that if you brainwash small children with any idiot set of beliefs (like, say, the virgin birth, divinity of Christ, necessity for ritual cannibalism, and triune nature of the Godhead), you'll have them by the frontal lobes of the brain for the rest of their lives. They will never escape it.

-- Greg Costikyan

Link to original article about the Candy-Land board game: http://playthisthing.com/candy-land

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Grooming Politicians for Christ

Link: http://articles.latimes.com/2005/aug/23/nation/na-statesman23

Here comes the vomit. This is why you must always vote. These are our Nazis. Voter turnout in Germany is consistently high to hopefully prevent something like the NDSAP from happening again. We have the same problem. They both think that they are doing good but they are truly the same.

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Bynkii: The End of Divorce

John Welch makes some beautiful points.

It seems like this bullshit about "saving marriage" is nothing more than making its proponents seem desperate to have something that makes them special. Marriage is not special, it is work, no matter what anyone tells you.

Link: http://www.bynkii.com/archives/2008/11/its_the_end_of_divorce.html

Now that California and Florida have banned gay marriage, (and in FL's case, any and all legal/civil recognition of homosexual relationships) I'm sure we'll never ever see another divorce in either state again. Why, in every state where gay marriage has been banned, the divorce rate, nay, even the marital counseling rate has immediately dropped to zero.

Heck, in Arkansas, they banned gays from being able to adopt or even foster kids, so in that state, we'll never see another abused kid again, right?

At least they will be abused properly by Great Juju-fearin' xians.

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It's all about fear

From notes made while buzzed and after watching V for Vendetta.

What is the motivation for religion? Fear of the hereafter and the possibility of the lack thereof. There must be a purpose because I am so fucking special! You are as special as a bacteria, and I dare say that some bacteria contribute more to the world and humanity that some poeple - even generations of them.

Why a pushy gawd-luhvuhs so fucking annoying? The squeaky (loud) wheel gets the grease. These who make the most noise about religion are those who are the most confused and suspicious that it is real. They have doubt and doubt, like thinking, like individuality, is anathema to religion because it works on faith, for which there is no 800 help line, warranty, in-store demonstration, or convincing product literature.

What if gawd is the celestial mechanic? Richard Dawkins, in a video clip that I posted earlier, responded to a student who asked him, what if he was wrong. His response was, what if she was wrong? Something she may never have considered before, or maybe she had but the implication scared her. What if it is the Great Juju Under The Sea? What if gawd is the celestial mechanic - setting the cosmos in motion and after that, hands off?

In V for Vendetta, overcoming her fear of death made Evey free. It made her mind open to more possibilities for good or ill. Gawd luhvuhs are not free and never can be within their system.

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Thoughts: Art, taxes

Fair warning: this is a conversation that popped into my head this morning. It this one is going to be rough.

At first I thought of the New Yorker cover with Obama and his wife that caused a stir a few months ago.

Then I thought of another cover: McCain giving Jesus a rusty trombone. What might xians think?

- that's revolting.
- it's art, like a crucifix in a jar of urine.
- i'm not paying my taxes for that.
- and i'm not paying my taxes for schools because i have no kids, nor do I support a level of taxation that is sufficient to provide tax breaks for religious organization.
- that's different, they do good for the community.
- and art is for culture and society, a concept lost of ignorant bastards such as yourself. I'll take a real jar of urine over your make-believe piss any day.

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It's all about fear

Note: this posting was done inebriated.

Fear of the hereafter and the possibility of the lack thereof.

The squeaky (loud) wheel gets the grease. These who make the most noise about religion are those who are the most confused and suspicious that it is real at all. The quiet ones are more confident.

What if gawd is the celestial mechanic? That would be nice, too. It makes the universe, sets everything in motion and that is it. No intervention, no interest, and it does not care about you.

While acquiring my inebriation, V for Vendetta was on the tv and that was my inspiration - no fear of death made Evey free. Gawd lovers are not free and never can be.

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Something that they have never considered

It is a common point from evangelical xians that this is a xian nation and the majority of them would like nothing more than to have that xian nation back. Thus, they have mobilized as a political force.

Theocracies are probably the most abhorrent form of government, as considered by a rational, democracy-leaning individual. So, for the sake of argument, let us say that everyone has decided on a change and theocracy is the answer and xianity is the winner. Which one is selected as the government-sponsored religion? Catholicism, the first and arguably the true form of xianity? How about Protestantism, the off-shoot created by people who did not like the oppression of catholicism? Which of the four protestant groups should it be? Which one of the eighteen recognized families of protestantism? Tough choice...someone will be disappointed.

The hyper-evangelicals will definitely lose out because they are too extremist. Most likely, they will suffer in silence and be satisfied that the shift occurred at all. Some of them, however, will not be satisfied. They will protest and cause civil disruptions. The main religion will have to clamp down on them and drive them underground. Others, curious as to what makes this sect so bad, will seek them out and be indoctrinated. As part of the brainwashing, they will be reprogrammed to become part of an underground army that will await the day when they will have sufficient numbers to try and force a change, by any means necessary. It will be a religious civil war.

Each side will believe that they are the chosen ones, as all delusionals do, and will proceed with a game of one-ups-manship to be the victor. It will be messy and so unnecessary...I mean the disruption, not the death of nutjobs.

It reminds me of a video of Richard Dawkins speaking at a university. One student asks him, "what if you are wrong?" He does give her an answer but the key aspect of his answer comes at the end when he points out to her that the one thing that she needs to ask herself, what if she is wrong.

They just do not think of these questions because as Mr. Dawkins has said before: "thinking is anathema to religion."

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I want to ride the bus

Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/7681914.stm
(Found at Gods4Suckers.Net)

My favorite line: ...thinking is anathema to religion. So very true.
Actually, my favorite line is the text of the banner.

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These send a chill down my spine

These people are by no means the average but they exist and in numbers that are frightening. This is the type of mindset that breeds xian and iz-lame-ic terrorists. Be very afraid.

From the first clip: For this woman, the faith of the candidate is the only test. She does not deserve to be a citizen. Correction, she is not because she does not live in America. She lives in the fantasy world in her hollow head. We do not hear from the husband in the clip so we cannot judge his level of decision-making but it boggles my mind that they can continue in their relationship, especially since she obviously has only one that matters to her.

From the second clip: The Concerned Citizen of Democracy askWhy the is Ohio given such prominence in the election coverage? It is a marginal state, now identified as being loaded with ignorant coprolites. I know that this is not the only state with such populations and this is an isolated example. However, as mentioned before, this is a mindset of evil - evil to humanity. As an aside, do you think that the reporter mentioned that the interviews were for the Al Jazeera news service?

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Pirate football and Death

There was an article in a local newspaper about a local high school football team whose boosters had purchased a good quantity of spirit flags for people and businesses to put up around town. The woman who voiced her opinion is grossly confused.

The skull and crossed bones, the Jolly Roger, is means to strike fear. It is not Satanic. xianity is replete with images of bones in paintings that hang in the Vatican museum, which I have personally seen. You find the motif on sarcophagi of popes and saints.

Perhaps there is a difference between the understanding of Catholics, the true xian faith post judaism, and her bastard-splinter faction of make-believe - which is not even 100 years old. Can she not even recognize that her faith is nothing more that a necrophilic cult?

Her vapidity makes me cringe that such mouth-breathers walk the earth. Read a fucking book and embrace the truth of your phoney-baloney system: alcohol gave you life, your sky daddy will only give you death. That is its only thing it will ever do for you.

On top of all this, this os about high school football in Texas. It is hard to decide which is more worthless.

* * *

Reprinted without permission because it is public domain and they charge to look at archived materials. I typed this from the physical copy that I had.

FORT WORTH, Texas (2008-09-18) —

One person's spirit symbol is another's banner of doom, according to Hood County, Texas, residents involved in an unlikely scrap over black skull-and-crossbones flags intended to rally football fans round the Granbury High School Pirates.

"I've started a big stink, evidently, in Granbury," said Nadra Arnold-Curry, who spoke up at a recent Hood County Commissioners Court meeting to register her disapproval of the black flags distributed by the Touchdown Club football boosters. "I appreciate our teams and coaches, too. But I have to stand up for my biblical convictions." The 39-year Granbury, Texas, resident branded the flags "satanic" and warned that the city could be risking "the wrath of God" by flaunting them. Granbury is southwest of Fort Worth.

Hood County commissioners listened, then granted the booster club permission to post them on county property. "It had nothing to do with the content of the flags," Commissioner Dick Roan said. "Most of the flags in question were in the city of Granbury, but for the two or three that were on county property, we approved them."


No doubt, the Jolly Roger symbol was originally intended to strike fear into the hearts of would-be pirate victims. But in Granbury?

"Everything I've ever read about black flags and white skulls and bones, it's called the 'flag of death,'" Arnold-Curry said this week. "That's what I automatically think of when I see it, gloom and doom." Arnold-Curry, football boosters and county commissioners alike say they can't believe that the flag flap has grown to such proportions.

"The Hood County News" has printed several letters and editorials after a Sept. 10 story on the Commissioners Court meeting, and other media outlets have checked in, too. "It's all fairly comical, in my opinion," said Don Titus, president of the booster club, which bought about 200 of the fearsome flags to rally community support on game weekends. The flags are posted around the city and at participating businesses on Thursdays and taken down on Saturdays during football season. With the arrival of coach Scotty Pugh from Dallas' Highland Park program, Granbury's less-than-stellar football program received a makeover during the off-season, Titus said. The Touchdown Club swelled from 20 to 400 members and began sprucing up school-spirit symbols such as repainting faded "peg leg" pirate footprints on sidewalks. Titus designed a new logo for the club, and plans called for putting his nonpirate "G" design on flags to line the streets.

"It was going to cost $80 apiece to have them made," he said, "so we went instead with the Jolly Roger design on pre-made flags that cost us $1.80 apiece."

Arnold-Curry and Titus spoke on the phone after the county meeting last week, he said. "The difference between us is she thinks the flags are satanic and I think they're nautical history."


Sandy Price sells embroidered and screen-printed team uniforms and spirit wear at her Granbury shop, All About Sports & Awards. Her son Zach plays junior-varsity football. She flies the Jolly Roger in front of the shop every Thursday and Friday. "Before this even came up, we were hanging up a big old Jolly Roger sign in our 'Pirate Cove' area," she said. "Most of the people in town have been quite excited about it."

County Commissioner Steve Berry grew up with a Jolly Roger flag on his bedroom wall. "This is about kids, not parents or politics or even religion," he said, noting the record 256 boys who tried out for football this year in the revitalized Granbury program. "Everybody's entitled to their opinion," he said of Arnold-Curry's remarks. "There have been two or three other people who have said they don't like the way the flags look, and that's OK."

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Pat Condell: Stop sharia law in Britain

The thoughts are easily transplanted to any belief system that allows fanatical behavior and that includes xianity.

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Jesus made me puke

Link: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/20278737/jesus_made_me_puke/print

Very funny. What is the point of camps like this? Indoctrination. The fact that people are so empty and malleable that a jock-cheerleader helps them find some sort of spirituality makes these people dangerous to the public. They are a bad day at the office away from beating their spouse so that they can ask sky daddy for forgiveness.

This has been a consistent theme. Welcome to Religion. You are worthless but if you ask for forgiveness for your gawd-given...I mean...self-possessed worthlessness, gawd might forgive you. If it doesn't then you didn't pray hard enough.

Are people really this empty inside? If they are and there are so many of them, can we use these husks for storing nuclear waste? Let's have them do something useful for society for a change.

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Regarding Pat Condell

I like including Pat Condell on here so I feel that it is worth explaining why.

Condell's discussions are about issues in Britain regarding radical Islam. He lately has been highlighting the corrosion of rights afforded everyone in Britain by yielding to the needs of Islam, which, in many instances, are egregious and contrary to the existing system. While it is easy to say Well, that is another country dealing with Islam, I find it a very simple exercise to change Britain with America, and Islam with Christianity. When I do, I am angered just as much.

Some my scoff that such a thing is not possible to occur. I beg to differ. There are fanatics of xianity who are just as vile, just as backward thinking, and just as undeserving to reside in a democracy. They propose adhering to ancient practices of bigotry, violence, and other hatreds in the name of their Boogieman. They oppose moving humanity forward because each step of progress is a step away from the fece-throwing life of their mumbo-jumbo handbook. They oppose freedom because, for one, the handbooks say nothing of it, but mostly because Boogieman is a parent figure and parents don't like it when children become adults -- because the child is no longer useful to their parent's family unit and has to be driven away.

How can anyone in good conscience and with any scrap of self-worth stomach such vile persons? Throw them out. Throw them in the ocean, put them in a spaceship and shoot them into the sun, something.

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Pat Condell: Islam's war on freedom


Islamists actively establishing worldwide Islamic state

Islamic groups trying to use human rights law to stifle free speech

Please support The Council of ex-Muslims

A petition has been lodged with the British government to make the Prophet Muhammad's birthday a national holiday. If you live in the UK and you think this is a bad idea, please sign this counter petition.

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Richard Dawkins reads his email

These emails may not be indicative of the whole of xiandom but unfortunately are indicative of the loudest bunch. Their pithy prose also highlights just how unchristian these xians are. Just how unchristian? Check out Matthew 5:43-48, but be careful because the hypocrisy can make you vomit:

[43]audistis quia dictum est diliges proximum tuum et odio habebis inimicum tuum [44]ego autem dico vobis diligite inimicos vestros benefacite his qui oderunt vos et orate pro persequentibus et calumniantibus vos [45]ut sitis filii Patris vestri qui in caelis est qui solem suum oriri facit super bonos et malos et pluit super iustos et iniustos [46]si enim diligatis eos qui vos diligunt quam mercedem habebitis nonne et publicani hoc faciunt [47]et si salutaveritis fratres vestros tantum quid amplius facitis nonne et ethnici hoc faciunt [48]estote ergo vos perfecti sicut et Pater vester caelestis perfectus est

It also shows that for these people, there is nothing else. Fortunately, someone has asked Mr. Dawkins this very question, which he answered beautifully. I would wager that she had no idea that this was coming:

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Reprehensible behavior

There once was a parent who went out one day with his children. The parent decided to go and do something that she wanted to do and left the children alone and unsupervised. The only thing that the parent did was tell the children not to play with an educational toy.

The children were playing until a nefarious man came along and told the children about the educational plaything. The children, being the innocents that children are, did play with the off-limits educational toy and were confused. When the parent returned and learned that they had played with the educational toy, he was angry. The children tried to tell their parent that a man told them that it was a good thing to do but the parent did not care and punished the children with physical abuse.

That story sounds familiar. Nonetheless, I would call CPS. Not because the children were punished -- kids should have the crap beaten out of them if they deserve it -- but instead because the parent is an idiot who should be sterilized to prevent her from polluting the gene pool.

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Amusing musings: Prayer in school

One of many items that seems to be of great concern to theo-slaves and their theo-fascist masters is prayer in school. Today, while I was partaking in my morning ablutions, this popped into my head and I asked myself, for all the noise this generates, what is the actual purpose of prayer in school?

The correct answer is nothing any good. I will permit it in parochial schools because that is part of the overall process of branding the cattle, but what about real people in real schools?

Having a quick prayer before beginning the school day has but one purpose, to remind the kids of the invisible hand that will spank them later if they are egregious in their behavior. It is about control and keeping the herd in line. Let us take as an example one kid who really offers up some words to his personal IT. Why does this have to be done in school and not at home? Did the kid oversleep? Did he forget? Perhaps she forgot something during her normal morning domestic devotional and this is a postscript...or would that be a postdict? What is the subject of his words? Peace on earth? Help with her test? Making some great plays at the game tonight so that he can score with Jenny later? Does any of this really help them during the day? If they don't do this, will they go insane and ritualistically drink blood and eat human flesh (Tee-hee).

When I was subjected to this as a lad, I ignored it. First they had a quick scripture reading followed by a moment of silence. Later it was simple silence. Ah, sweet silence. Something greatly lacking with today's xians. A number of kids did assume the fealty position, without genuflecting, because the disembodied voice told them to do it. I'm taking a nap. My nap, all two minutes of it since I included the general announcements as well, did more for me than chatting with the boogieman. I would think about my test rather than cheating by asking skydaddy to help me. I would have a zen moment to calm my anxiety with greater results instead of waiting for an invisible molester to cop a feel.

Prayer in school: it is not needed as it does nothing any good. If you want to pray, do it at home or in your temple. Kids are learning next to nothing as is so let us make sure that they have all the time that is available to make themselves useful to a civilized society.

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The Sunday funnies - part one.b

After writing the first segment, later that day, the phrase ignorance is bliss popped into my head. Immediately, I recalled my assessment of the parable of the garden of Eden.

The origins of the phrase are inconclusive but it must derive from some human situation where an individual, probably of privilege. The kings, hermits, and definitely children are other examples. After all, children are not informed as to the world so the harsh reality of life is nothing to them. A parent looks down into that cherubic face, thinks about their own awful day, and thinks those words.

I think that we have found another source, right there in the bibble. Garden of Eden, two idiots are wandering around doing nothing. Is that really paradise? When modern people think of the concept of paradise, I doubt that they are thinking of the garden of Eden. They are thinking of the multitudes of like-minded individuals...doing what?! Even in their afterlife state, they still cannot see or hear the deity. Even the angels cannot handle it. So once you are there, you still really will not know. What really is inside that light? Gawd, Jebus, Satan, an arc lamp, or darkness once the electrical activity in the brain fizzles away.

Blissful ignorance turns up rather frequently in the rhetoric of some modern xians. The Church certainly tried to keep its flock as dumb as its namesake. How is this remotely rewarding to an individual? On the other hand, who ever said that religion was about a reward? It is the obstacle course. Practice. Train. Run the race and maybe you will win.

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Pat Condell: Take your god and shove him

mealymouthed: avoiding the use of direct and plain language, as from timidity, excessive delicacy, or hypocrisy; inclined to mince words; insincere, devious, or compromising.

supercilious: haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.

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The Sunday funnies - part one

Sunday morning is laundry time. The best part is throwing away the little magazines that are left there by the Mormons. I will look at the titles on the cover, sometimes I will look at the table of contents, have a nice chuckle and chuck them in the trash...but not this week.

There were two issues lying out whose covers just screamed of funny material. I was not disappointed. This is the first of several posts inspired by their contents.

This first writing will deal with their topic: Must we always tell the truth? That sounds like a loaded question coming from a very dubious source. I started reading the first main article, which began with a parable (nice to see them sticking with their writing tradition of inventing stories to make a point) of someone being backed into a corner and forced to make a choice of telling the truth or lying. After leaving the parabloid hanging in his predicament, the author brings in the first bibble reference.

The author writes: Jesus, of course, was referring to the event in the garden of Eden when Satan induced the first human pair to disobey God and thus fall victim to sin and death.

Touching. When writing that, I noticed this time the choice of the word pair as opposed to humans or man and woman but notice the lack of couple because of the lack of marriage. Anyway...

When I finished reading the paragraph, I knew that I had a gold mine in those thirty-one words. The first thing that popped into my head is the oft-cited mantra Gawd's plan. This mantra causes some problems with the author's sentence. Let's see what we have.

If you take the plan into account, then that means that Gawd planned for Satan to induce humans to sin. Humans were intentionally created to sin and fall from grace. Why would IT do that? Simple. Gawd is a wicked and vain deity. IT is wicked because IT intentionally created humans to fall. Once fallen, humans would be remorseful and want to beg for forgiveness to return to grace. A kind deity would not subject humans to atone for something that they were surreptitiously made to do in order to feed someone's/something's ego and need for praise.

Then there are the words: fall victim to sin and death. The only bad thing to which humans fell victim is a sneaky deity, who knew what they would do before they did it and then has the balls to punish them. When IT scooped up that first handful of clay, IT was probably salivating at the thought of the pain and suffering that would soon be inflicted by their punishment, which would lead to countless generations of pleas and prayers to IT.

Satan may have known what IT was planning and thus tried to help the humans by giving them knowledge to break them free of the naiveté and ignorance that was given them before being cast out or paradise. Can you imagine how screwed we would be if humans had done something else to be cast out?

Remind me again, which is the bad deity?

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Science in Muslim Countries

Link: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/sci;321/5890/745

It is fairly obvious that the izlamic culture has fallen a long way from their very respected perch of 1,000 years ago. They are the people who saved the knowledge of the Greeks. They had impressive achievements in mathematics, science, astronomy, medicine, architecture, music, and literature.

What are they doing today? Nothing of significance.

Why? Religion. The article sums up that part quite well.

The author makes a good start of pointing out that America is not immune. However, as was pointed out on another site, the author does not mention medical research with stem cells or evolution. Plus, America being the over-achieving people that they are, I suspect the America can reach the same level of stagnation in a third of the time.

Taking those three items together (creationism being the third if you did not read the article), it is apparent that America is in grave danger of sliding down the slippery slope to global pig ignorance. The fundamentalists in the US are just as revolting as the izlamic mullahs and they are need to be removed from the planet.

Religion has never been a proponent of thinking and knowledge. After all, their product is the unknowable. Look at Xianity: the curse of man stems from acquiring knowledge. Not surprising is that the whole episode has a sexual undercurrent.

It is amazing to me that an individual would make a conscious choice to resist their curiosity for discovering the wonders that exist out there just because someone (a someone who somehow managed to know the unknowable???) tells them that an invisible entity does not like it and they may not make it into a place where they will be stuck - forever - with like minded, pig ignorant schmucks like themselves.

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Focus on Absurdity: The Ten Commandments and American Democracy

Here is a lovely little article that punches a nice, clean hole in the Ten-Commandments-is-the-basis-of-American-democracy. The underlined comment of Jefferson at the end is especially nice.

Link: http://gods4suckers.net/archives/2008/08/03/shattering-of-the-tablets-of-myth/

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Pat Condell: The Tyranny of Scripture

The party starts around 3:00. Ignoramus Rex!!! HA!

YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BaGHKe5oi0

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The Land of the Free, and the home of making a buck

My wonderful friends at the Tabernacle Baptist Church put a lovely thought on their sign out by the road (2008-07-01). This one reads: If the brave never left home, there would be no land of the free. This is a touching sentiment in these needlessly hawkish times and I am sure that these words give some solace to people who have had, still have, and have lost loved ones and friends in the armed forces.

However, this pandering makes me sick. Here's why.

1) You might want to come in and pray for the well-being of the country and its service personnel--and we will pass the plate.
2) You might want to come in and pray for any loved ones and friends who are called to duty--and we will pass the plate.
3) While they are away, we will be here for you to offer comfort during this trying ordeal--and we will pass the plate.
4) When your loved ones or friends come home safe and well - or even if they are missing a few body parts - come in for a few rounds of prayers of thanksgiving for their return--and we will pass the plate.
5) If, sadly, Jebus had planned for them to be killed because he does not like them, you or just for the hell of it, come in for prayers of mourning--and we will pass the plate.
6) Don't forget us when it is time to stick the corpse in the ground. We have ample group facilities to host services for the loved one. We won't pass the plate but there will be a fee.

(I think that six is enough.)

Ignoring the contemporary setting in which this thought was given, let us examine the fallacy of its message. America became the land of the free when the Declaration of Independence was signed (and we will ignore the fact that not every humanoid was free with its signing). No one had to leave to do that. It was done here. Then came the war for independence, which was fought here to preserve our assertion of independence. Some battles were fought in Canada so that might constitute going elsewhere but really now...it's North America.

The message certainly seems to tie into the concept of punishing terrorism that wants to destroy our way of life. I like that because it reminds me of another group who punished a terrorist that threatened their way of life. That group was the Romans and they fixed their little problem about...oh...two thousand years ago.

Suggested reading: The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

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The PTC and You (Have you had your shots?)

Source: http://www.parentstv.org/PTC/news/release/2008/0805.asp

The heady brain trust that is The Parents' Television Council today released a report lambasting the volume of sex on television. They cite a number of shows (that I do not watch) as being not only full of innuendo but with situations that promote casual sex and affairs over marital sex. Somehow, I think that they would still have blood in their stool if the shows only had marital sex.

What these people fail to grasp is sex is a part of everyday life, whether you are a finch in a tree, an indian in a South American rainforest, an atheist, or one of the PTC's board members. Religion does not have a control on sex. Animals have been doing it for millions of years without the concept of marriage and civilized pagans were making the beast with two backs for a good four millennia B.C.E. (Yes, I know that the designation Before Christian Era is the new anthropological middle finger to uppity Xians).

Sex is not going to go away. It is here to stay until the last human in the universe expires. However, because Xianity has never grasped the concept of logic, I'll give you a hand and it won't cost you a single lap dance. This one is free of charge. PTC's slogan is: because our children are watching. Yes they are. Try watching it with them. If you don't like it, change the channel or do the intelligent thing and talk to them about in instead of withholding information as you have been brainwashed to do.

What's that? You can't discuss it because they won't understand? Too bad that you have stupid children. On the bright side, they are more than qualified for a theological job.

Link to the report: http://parentstv.org/PTC/news/release/2008/0805.asp

(I advise not reading it on the toilet in the morning or you might fall off and hurt yourself laughing.)

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The Making of Middle School Lesbians

Inspired by: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Blog/Default.aspx?id=201220

This very amusing little ditty is supposed to bring right-minded, decent folk to a frenzy by explaining how Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl is just another successful facet of the popular media's Turn-Everyone-Homo Program.

Let's clarify one thing right now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with two hot chicks making out. Plus, it has the added benefit of preventing pregnancy for the participants and any fortunate observers. No unwanted pregnancy equals no abortion so see it for the positive that it is.

Favorite lines

1. Now, I'm no legalistic.
An incomplete sentence for an incomplete thought. I suspect that the word moron is missing.

2. How long will all these media moguls be allowed to sit around board room tables and make decisions that alter the healthy development of our nation's kids?
They are not and it is not their job. You don't like the culture, don't have kids. Maybe then Christianity can go the way of the Shakers.

3. Oh, by the way, Katy Perry's real name is Katy Hudson. You might remember her from the 2001 album bearing her name on Red Hill records; it was a Christian album.
I guess that she wanted to make a few bucks instead of pandering to a bunch of troglodytes living in the Dark Ages.

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Making some money

As I was walking in from the parking lot this morning, I pass by two theo-faction centers. The great thing about them is that they will be knocked down in a handful of years down the road to make way for the growth of the university, i.e., progress.

I propose that the university can make some money by selling swings of a wrecking ball at $500 or $1000 a piece. It can work like the spring break promotional that they do every year about drinking and driving where for one dollar, you can have three swings of a sledgehammer on a wrecked car. I suspect that there be will less building than people so that is why it is wonderful that there are two buildings to destroy.

Of course, the churches with which they are affiliated were against moving but, like the Vatican, they finally came around and it did not take four centuries.

We want to be in the central area of campus, they whine.

Tough! You need a place to meet, meet at a temple. That somehow seems appropriate. Frankly, religious groups do not belong on a university campus out of principal.

But the monks preserved Western knowledge during the Dark Ages.

No, the Arabs and Moors did. Western monks did have some of the material but they did not share it, they did not work to expand on it, and the only thing that they used it for was to practice their penmanship.

Frankly, they should have been burned alive for crimes against humanity.

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Fiat snot-bubbles!

1) In this demonstration, a person is represented by a pickle. "Boy, he sure is an ugly pickle...but that pickle looks a lot like all the other pickles in here (ugly)."
2) "I bet they taste about the same, too." - Once more, the cannibalistic nature of the Jebus cult is exposed.
3) This pickle is like a person without Jebus. How do we change that? Impale it on two forks (forks?!? who uses forks? Perhaps you should say pitchforks), one in its head and one in it butt, and run a lethal power through it.
4) Look what happens! See how the power of Jebus makes the pickle-person boil alive from the inside! Look at that steam! Yessirree! That pickle looks a lot different now, as would anyone who was glowing in the dark because of an electric current.
5) The pickle is making a difference in the world around it. It is giving off a light that other people can see. So unless you can glow in the dark and electrocute people with a mere touch, you don't have the Jebus.
6) The most insulting statement is when Grandpa Bozo says that by becoming a xian, people are able to make a difference in the world. I would suspect that more people who are not xians have made more significant contributions of a greater quantity and quality than the whole of xianity, pagan and others impeded by theology. What are some of those differences made by xians? Suppression and destruction of knowledge. I think that I am feeling a warm glow inside, too, but I suspect that it is anger.
7) After the lethal power is removed, that pickle looks just like any other pickle...well, except for the corporal trauma from the impalement.
8) If we reapply the power..."funny things start to take place." Look at the steam and bodily fluid gushing out of it.
9) Most importantly, "don't try this at home." If you try to fill yourself with Jebus's power, you might burn down the house or kill yourself. On second thought, Please, try it.

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Holy Crap! -- Church Cancels Teen Gun Giveaway

"I don't want people thinking, 'My goodness, we're putting a weapon in the hand of somebody that doesn't respect it who are then going to go out and kill,'" said Bob Ross, the church's youth pastor. "That's not at all what we're trying to do."

The giveaway is not an actual gun, but an AR-15 assault rifle. It's probably part of a recruiting system for the Army of Gawd. Anyway, that fact that you have to do this to increase attendance should tell you about the event in the first place.

One more thing. Nice grammar, Bob. There is a minimum of four major errors. No wonder the true message of your Gawd is confusing.

Link http://www.koco.com/news/16860079/detail.html

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I am completely convinced now


Wait a minute. Isn't this an idol? Uh oh.
Wait a minute. Jebus is the son of Gawd. Gawd said, "thou shalt have no other gods before me." Uh oh. Does that mean that anyone who worships Jebus is being naughty?
Where is the black Jebus? Where is the hispanic Jebus who speaks spanish? Where is the Eastern Orthodox Jebus? Where is the Jebus who speaks Aramaic? Where is the Jebus who speaks ancient Greek? Does this Jebus have a penis? Does this Jebus tell children "not to have sex but your mommy and daddy will burn in Hell because they did?"

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Choosing a good life over a bad life

Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/DaOVPaYf780


#1 Christians are Delusional (QED)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/HVuw1wEuaAQ

#2 The Best Optical Illusion in the World
Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/jk6ILZAaAMI

#3 God's Plan is Imaginary
Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/-nayP4v4xYg

#4 The Bible is Repulsive (10 examples)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/vkXOwBIRX7Y

#5 The Pope has never read the Bible
Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/J6b_vVNP4nM

#6 How to make Jesus appear when you want
Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/HUj8hg5CoSw

#7 No one can go to Heaven
Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/dzzORZhnCao

#8: Prayer is superstitious behavior
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH0rFZIqo8A


Man the animal - a few notes

I pointed out to someone many years ago that man is nothing but an animal and they firmly disagreed. I immediately said nothing more because I respect this person and did not want to argue religion with them. Most religious people do not like to acknowledge that we really are animals. Someone has probably argued that Gawd made us separate from the animals. Did it? According to the Bibble, animals were made and man came later. It does not explain how animals were made but focuses on the creation of man. Were animals created with a finger-snap or were they also made out of swamp mud like man? You have to realize that how animals were made is not important to the Bibble, although the fact that they were made first makes me believe that they were more important. The creation myth tells us how man arose. It is a burning question that we want to have answered. All creation myths tell how humans came to be. That is what they are there to do. Perhaps the creation of animals was difficult to explain because four thousand years ago, your average desert-dwelling, dirt-sucking peasant was lacking knowledge of genetics, bio-engineering, and evolution. However, he did have plenty of dirt and the occasional water source with which he could fashion bricks, pots, and humanoid figures. Holy crap, our D.D.D.S.P. thought, that must be how the great camel merchant in the sky did it. Makes perfect sense to me. Attention was paid to the creation of man and woman so they must be special and better than animals, despite being cobbled together at the last minute before the omnipotent Wonder Daddy decided he needed a nap.

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Judge to Texas FLDS cult moms: choose your kids or your religion

Fantastic pronouncement. However, in the spirit of equal protection under the law, all parents should choose between practicing a religion and having children. Once the children are grown and reach adulthood, parents may then elect to submit their free will to Fantasy Daddy. Politicians constantly shoot fire out of their asses about protecting children. Why are they not protecting children from all religions?


Sex and "children"

Some of America is in a lather over a portrait by legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz of Miley Cyrus. There are a number of points about this incident that disgust me. They will have to be presented one at a time so only at the end will the full picture be visible with all of the pieces interlocking nicely.

People are screaming about this as "the sexualization of a child." She is fifteen and in most jurisdictions, this is egregious. The photo shoot was not just for this shot. She was not forced to do it and made the decision herself. She is conscious of her self and her image. She would expose more skin in a modest bathing suit that she revealed in the photo. One or more parents were present for the shoot. Recently, she has apologized - ostensibly to her fans but in reality it was for the parents of her fans and the Disney organization. Her media empire will be worth around one billion dollars in a few years, just to herself. Who knows what Disney's take of this is. She is part of a show business family. While the motives of her washed-up, one-hit-wonder of a father may be in question, it is unlikely that her career is exploitive as it has been for some other child stars. Those are the two flavors of child stars. She definitely is very aware of her career and the impact of her actions on her audience. I am certain that she has been making more intelligent and important decisions for herself than most people ever will.

The first point of contention is that she is a child. Legally, yes. In addition, she will always be a child to her parents. Is she a child, no. Why? We humans have a double standard on this topic. With regards to animals, humans consider them adults when the reach the age that they can reproduce. We even artificially adjust the ages of our pets to make them fit into our own mortality system. At fifteen, it would be a medical problem if she had not reached menarche. Even our closest - and in the case of some people, an equal or better - primate compatriots, chimps, recognize this and will drive away males because they now are sexual competitors. It also occurs for females but not to the same level of ostracizion. The same standard of adulthood can be applied to humans because they are base, stupid animals, too. Humans reach reproductive maturity several years before the legal age imposed by cultures and societies. That makes them adults.

So why are humans not considered adults when they reach this physiological milestone? Is there something wrong with it? I hope not because that would mean that Gawd made a mistake. Gawd made humans work this way for a reason. Humans certainly are not prepared for adulthood at such an age - nor at any time - but that is because society imposed an artificial governor to impede them. There are a number of ideas about why: a flooded labor force, strains on the welfare system, and others. It is also unfortunate that they are in America because America does not have an adulthood preparation system that is any good. School has a modicum of impact and in reality has more to do with job preparedness than adulthood preparedness. I see three metaphors of reaching adulthood in modern America. One) A parent walks with their child down to the freeway. They watch the traffic for a while and suddenly, the parent pushes the child into to traffic. If the child is lucky, the parent will offer the advice of not being struck by a car. Two) The parent walks with the child down to the freeway. They watch it together for a while, but in the end, the parent never lets go and the potential in the child dies. Three) The parent lets their child drive the car every now and then, shows them how to maintain it, what the parts of a car are and explains the concepts of driving and the freeway. At the end, the child already has a car and has been driving themselves for a while. Most fall into the first category. More are becoming the second category while few enjoy the third. It is all backward-thinking that is motivated by self-interest.

Finally, the photo itself. It is sexualized? Is it sexual? Not really. Again, some clothing and swimsuits show more skin than this. This question is more about an individual's values; and not meat in a religious way. It has nothing to do with ethics (or morals - ethics for people who have to have their hand held). The values in question is an individual's dislike of sex. A person either likes sex or does not. If a person is neither one way or the other about it then they do not like it. Why dislike it? Sex is physiologically pleasurable so that we will do it more. If our sense of smell was strong as it is in animals, that would work to impel us as well. What is sexual about a bare back with nary a hint of gluteal cleavage and a fully-obscured-by-opaque-material profile view of the front? Nothing. It is the human form. It is supposedly made in the image of the divine. It is not something bad to see. I believe that, like the high-profile figures who perpetuate racism buy screaming about it the loudest (and not surprisingly purport to be religious leaders), people who demonize the glimpse of skin of any human are themselves salacious, sex monsters who are a heartbeat away from succumbing to their animal lust. It probably makes them feel out of control. How? Faith and religion about yielding control. They command the super ego and most of the ego. All that is left is the id, that little voice that commands you to masticate, defecate, and fornicate. Lose control of that and what is left? If only the grandparents of these anti-humans had been just as anti sex as they themselves are. Even better: if only they had been Shakers. You know, the people that make simple-looking furniture. Their sect requires strict abstinence so new members have to be recruited. Not many Shakers left. Apparently people want sex.

For a more contemporary update to the time that this was finally published, there is now the same sort of scandal in New Zealand with a sixteen-year-old fashion model named Zippora Seven. Aside from the exact same points being applied - except for having a parent on the set - this one is different. Fashion is allowed more leeway. At least it is in more civilized parts of the world. Plus, models are recruited when they are this young and even younger. Some fashion is quite absurd but so what. Some people go apoplectic over what they see on the fashion runways. Perhaps they also close their eyes when bathing. For them , I suggest that it would be easier to go ahead and gouge out their eyes to avoid the temptation. Might as well make this a real physical condition since they seem content to approach life and the world in a state of blindness.

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Pat Condell: The Curse of Faith

Spirituality, faith, religion, children, and Jesus hates you.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/v/EPG3-1gogXU


Earth Day

Earth Day was two days ago. I like the earth but it has a few problems, about 5.75 billion of them. However, I like a scenic vista and natural space as much as the next person. Nothing warms the heart like walking in a quiet vale and watching wolverines tear a carcass apart. If you like the earth, the next Earth Day, protest the construction of any new church in your area. They are a plague significantly worse than golf courses; at least those are green. Churches are a hollow monument to man's selfish fears. Grow up, morons. Right up the street from me, there are three churches all within half a block from each other; two are across the street from each other. Then there are those mega-churches. Those should be dynamited on Sundays when they are full because those churches cater to a certain clientele that the earth definitely can do without who are worse than regular facilities.


Some additional thoughts regarding the Fundamentalist mormon cult in Texas

There definitely is no religious freedom in American but fortunately it works both ways. Personally, I would rather have splinter xian groups, like this quiet, contained, yet nutty Mormon enclave, dotting the landscape than wacky, disturbing, loud-mouthed fundamentalist groups like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of those sanctimonious luddites with TV ministries. I digress.

I have not kept up with this story because it is not an important issue to me. I have a position on child abuse but nowadays, abuse is as over-used and over-extended as hero. I once saw an billboard saying that teachers are heroes. No. They can be someone's hero but their actions are not heroic. Fighting fires and patrolling the streets also is not heroic. Running back into a burning building four times to rescue people and keeping innocents safe in a violent situation is. Unfortunately, those actions come as a high price. That is heroic. I digress.

Was this all a setup to allow the government to poke its head in and pull off a raid? Maybe but how did they know that this was going on? Someone would had to have reported it, even before an operation to plant someone inside. If Sarah - a good Jewish name - is real, she is probably sequestered as a government witness. I doubt that weapons were the reason because the Feds would have moved differently, despite Waco - because the government goes by the manual and never learns. No, I am sure that their interest was the the welfare of the children. The government loves children and in much the same way the adult males of the sect were. George Carlin has a wonderful routine about the government's love/hate relationship with children: it loves the pre-born but once you are born, you are F-ed (George Carlin : Back in Town/, one of his best shows).

This is biggest issue of the bunch: the kids. America has developed a culture and society that oppresses children. Some kids are impressive because, even at eight or ten, they can carry on an educated, adult conversation because its parents cared about their child. It was exposed to information and knowledge, allowed to explore the world of ideas and develop their own, even treated as an adult. Just imagine if kids today were given the opportunity to reach for the boundaries. I think that America would not be the five hundred pound retarded gorilla that it is today. We would be Europeans.

No matter how much people dislike the concept, humans are animals - just like a dog, cat, monkey, bird or fish. When animals reach menarche, they start mating. When young apes reach the age to reproduce, they are driven off because they are sexual rivals to the parents. That is adulthood. Society and its culture define an artificial - i.e., unnatural - boundary. It goes against our innate nature. Males reach their sexual peak at seventeen or eighteen - the societal age of adulthood.

What was hyped to no end in the media was that young women were being married to older men and having children. Oh, no! Young women were having sex. That is the red alert. I think that there were a few mentions of young males being married off but those quickly disappeared from the story because that is a badge of honor for men, or it was completely false to try and lessen the perceived gravity of the situation. Women were being the sexual creatures that they are. Is it abuse? No. Obviously it is not an issue to reproduce so young or the body would not work that way. Oops, I meant to say that gawd would not have fashioned to body to work that way. Society is to blame for the age of consent problem but it is understandable. Populations would become unmanageable and drain resources, lowering the quality of life of adults. Then we would become a third-world country. In reality, medicine is to blame for this. Old people live too long, but I digress.

Xianity is wholly to blame. Saint Paul, the Apostle, was celibate but at least he did not pound his chest about it. He has plenty of crimes to answer for as is. There is another Saint, maybe Augustine or someone else, who is responsible for the establishment for xianity's attitude towards sex on top of its existing fear and hatred of women. He is a mega-hypocrite because he only came to this realization after literally screwing everything under the sun (I do have a source to quote this that I will find and insert here) and finding gawd. It is unclear if the two are related. Augustine definitely is responsible for the concept of Original Sin - not the act of eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge but A&E gettin' their freak on. The reason why is another topic altogether. I try not to digress.

So, to sum up: this incident is a hollow show of protecting female "children" because they were being married off to older men, breaking the artificial rule of the society surrounding their enclave regarding sexuality and children, also artificially defined, all because some old man, 1600 years ago, was tired of sex and additionally because of the fear of the inexorable power of female sexuality.

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Once more from the man in the street...

The Onion

Bed Found In Fundamentalist Temple

Authorities searching a temple in the Texas compound of the Fundamentalist Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints found a bed they believe was...

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Religions to get behind

A cheery hello to all rational thinkers out there…the rest I ask kindly for you to go visit the Great Big Sky Daddy and stop bothering us! We will be sad to see you go, we truly will, as you provide us such merriment (can you hear the sardonicism?) …all things must come to an end…even the Big Invisible Sky Daddy.

Well I have been asked to guest post. I want to bring to light those religions we can get behind or support.

Here are the rules:
1) The religion requires its adherents to keep this contagion to themselves.
2) The religion must be Polytheistic in nature.
3) The religion must be oriented towards the worship of nature.
4) The religion must require sacrifice (lots of sacrifices).
5) The religion must require lots of sex between its worshipers. Note: Sexual preference is a personal matter. A truly wise God would not care what is going into where on whom. Only Gods with psychological problems would make [sic] time to care how the sex gets done. Remember folks, these are Gods. We must wonder about those Gods who have time enough to be concerned about sexual practices of their worshipers. We all know they are far to busy running the universe to care. So you Gods out there who do in fact care and have taken the pains to have your “free willed” disciples write about sexual taboos go get some therapy. May I suggest Adachigahara, or Patecatl for your personal therapist or perhaps Freud “Sometimes a God with a lighting bolt is just a God with a lighting bolt.”
6) Faith, although necessary, is not founded in a big invisible Sky Daddy who loves us all but in a belief that most people are simple minded and need to be tended like sheep on their way to the abattoir--hence the creation of religion.
7) Not all rules 2-5 need be met but at least one of them must be met along with rule 1, which is mandatory.

Religions I can get behind. Although there are many religions out there that one could select as proper I will bring a few to our attention as examples of the kinds that we should get behind either singularly or as a whole.

Druidism: Note: The original Druid Religion not the watered down modern version.
Cult of Dionysus: That crazy god??? Who wouldn't love a drunken sex maniac like that!
Aztec Religion: But hey let’s not get too out of hand folks.
Loki: Even though this is not a religion he can be worshiped. And hey, everybody loves a trickster.
Adekagagwaa: Here is the spirit of summer. Everybody loves the heat and the skimpy clothes that follow.
The Ancient Greeks had it correct. Any of their Gods will do.
Witchcraft (or Bitchcraft depending upon the time of the month--can you hear the screams?). Now this is not a true religion. But the empowerment of oneself by oneself…Ahh divine!
(side note: Hey! Where are the feminists??? They need to be standing up for us men so we can practice mencraft.)

ABOVE ALL….PLEASE…if you find yourself desiring a religion that is monotheistic, Don’t.
Reference: For a detailed listing of the many reasons against this look up any of the tragedies of human history since monotheism became an option. Note: Monotheism is an optional religion this means that it is secondary to Polytheism.


Pat Condell rides again

This post is brilliant, especially if you look beyond the defined boundaries he uses. Replace Islam with Christianity and Muslim with Christian and you can barely tell the difference. There are only a handful of details to tweak that are specific to Middle East cultures with regards to Western Christian cultures, and to certain specific events which he references. Is it 100%? Of course not. Maybe about 90%, and that should be enough to scare you.

Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=W3_qelW5qp4

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Stick to feet

Shroud Of Turin Accidentally Washed With Red Shirt

The Onion

Shroud Of Turin Accidentally Washed With Red Shirt

VATICAN CITY—The damage occurred when Pope Benedict XVI, who was on laundry duty, did not notice a brand new bright-red Hanes Beefy-T in the Holy Whirlpool washer.


Man is not special

If you examine the bibble, specifically chapters one and two of the first book, it is easy to see that man is not special. Man is not created until the end of the creation sequence. Is this because Gawd was saving the best for last? No. Man was created for a purely selfish reason. Man was not created because the animals were lonely, but because the animals needed someone to care for them and the land needed someone to care for and use it.

So here were are, Gawd and Man, tooling around the new world. Will Man shoot the breeze with Gawd, maybe discuss the myriad topics on the tip of the tongue of an omniscient entity? Nope. Man is here to till the land. He is here to work, to toil in the fields. Their relationship is that of a master and his slave. Gawd explicitly tells Man to avoid the Tree of Knowledge. You don't need that to pull a plow. If Man knew something, he might ask questions or want to discuss things. No, no, no. Keep on working in the fields, day in and day out. Make Massa happy.

But Man must be special somehow. Gawd did breath life into a statue made of dirt. Not quite. The Latin Vulgate bibble states: formavit igitur Dominus Deus hominem de limo terrae. De Limo terrae is the bit that we want to see. The problem is that "dust" is not a definition of limo. Limo translates as "slime, mud, or mire," something definitely wet and unpleasant, not dust and not clay. Perhaps the original authors were hints at some sort of ooze, maybe even a primordial soup?

There you have it. Man comes from slime and specifically created to toil his life away, as stupid as the plants and animals in his charge. Doesn't sound like a special plan to me, but one day, Massa will call you in from the fields to the big house and your life will be complete.


Thought for the Day

Now that I think about it, that love thy neighbor and do unto others are obviously unxian or they would practice it and condemn those who claim their faith and do not practice it.


It is painful to watch

I was watching 60 Minutes last Sunday and there was a man talking about his economic difficulties and how that would impact his selection of a presidential candidate. This fellow said that he was unlikely to vote for Barack Obama because he is a Muslim and would not be sworn in using the bibble. He said that that aspect troubled his deep inside. The point of asking him was to highlight some of the smearing that is occurring in the campaigns.

His words made me grit my teeth in anger at his intolerance. He was subdued about it but does not mask the vile hypocrisy. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe in one of the Ecumenical Councils the bishops decided that anyone who did not profess or adopt xeanity was evil and should be killed. You would think that something this significant would have been recorded somewhere.

Some might say that not all xians are that way but they are wrong. Tolerance certainly does not appear so in the history of xeanity. After all, Constantine the First had to adopt xeanity as the religion of the Roman Empire or the xians would have ripped the place apart. I think that there is a distinction about tolerance. If you enact the philosophy, then tolerance is possible, but not guaranteed. If you join the religion, then you cannot be tolerant. If you were, then you would disagree with all forms of proselytizing, despite it being done for the good of the individual, from the proselytizer's point of view.

This ignorant clown should be happy that Obama has a religious text to hold dear. If he knew anything beyond his third-grade coloring-book education, he would know that izlam shares many aspects of xeanity because they both borrow from the Jewish traditions. Izlam regards Jebus as a prophet, just not as significant as Mohamed, because you have to root for the home team. It should comfort this guy that Obama has drunk some kind Kool-Aid®, even though it is not his own favorite flavor.

Frankly, it does not matter one sliver of a whit if the future president eats hearts out of live babies. Can that person run the country with a fair, unbiased, even hand? Right now it is not. I wish that I could find an editorial that I saw a few years ago that touched on an atheist president. Why is it so bad to have person in that job without a religious filter occluding their vision? The president is not our pastor-in-chief. The president is not our national cleric. The president runs one-third of our government, and our government is not a theocracy.