
Amusing musings: Prayer in school

One of many items that seems to be of great concern to theo-slaves and their theo-fascist masters is prayer in school. Today, while I was partaking in my morning ablutions, this popped into my head and I asked myself, for all the noise this generates, what is the actual purpose of prayer in school?

The correct answer is nothing any good. I will permit it in parochial schools because that is part of the overall process of branding the cattle, but what about real people in real schools?

Having a quick prayer before beginning the school day has but one purpose, to remind the kids of the invisible hand that will spank them later if they are egregious in their behavior. It is about control and keeping the herd in line. Let us take as an example one kid who really offers up some words to his personal IT. Why does this have to be done in school and not at home? Did the kid oversleep? Did he forget? Perhaps she forgot something during her normal morning domestic devotional and this is a postscript...or would that be a postdict? What is the subject of his words? Peace on earth? Help with her test? Making some great plays at the game tonight so that he can score with Jenny later? Does any of this really help them during the day? If they don't do this, will they go insane and ritualistically drink blood and eat human flesh (Tee-hee).

When I was subjected to this as a lad, I ignored it. First they had a quick scripture reading followed by a moment of silence. Later it was simple silence. Ah, sweet silence. Something greatly lacking with today's xians. A number of kids did assume the fealty position, without genuflecting, because the disembodied voice told them to do it. I'm taking a nap. My nap, all two minutes of it since I included the general announcements as well, did more for me than chatting with the boogieman. I would think about my test rather than cheating by asking skydaddy to help me. I would have a zen moment to calm my anxiety with greater results instead of waiting for an invisible molester to cop a feel.

Prayer in school: it is not needed as it does nothing any good. If you want to pray, do it at home or in your temple. Kids are learning next to nothing as is so let us make sure that they have all the time that is available to make themselves useful to a civilized society.

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