
The Making of Middle School Lesbians

Inspired by: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Blog/Default.aspx?id=201220

This very amusing little ditty is supposed to bring right-minded, decent folk to a frenzy by explaining how Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl is just another successful facet of the popular media's Turn-Everyone-Homo Program.

Let's clarify one thing right now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with two hot chicks making out. Plus, it has the added benefit of preventing pregnancy for the participants and any fortunate observers. No unwanted pregnancy equals no abortion so see it for the positive that it is.

Favorite lines

1. Now, I'm no legalistic.
An incomplete sentence for an incomplete thought. I suspect that the word moron is missing.

2. How long will all these media moguls be allowed to sit around board room tables and make decisions that alter the healthy development of our nation's kids?
They are not and it is not their job. You don't like the culture, don't have kids. Maybe then Christianity can go the way of the Shakers.

3. Oh, by the way, Katy Perry's real name is Katy Hudson. You might remember her from the 2001 album bearing her name on Red Hill records; it was a Christian album.
I guess that she wanted to make a few bucks instead of pandering to a bunch of troglodytes living in the Dark Ages.

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