
Earth Day chuckle

Today is Earth Day, a day where we show our concern for our planet - our only home. Our planet is having some issues, like high carbon content in the atmosphere. Actually, the planet couldn't care less, it's the non-carbon breathing animals on the surface who are complaining. Don't worry, the planet will be just fine. It will heal itself, like any living organism, after it purges the pus-filled plague that roams its surface.

The plant life on the surface is designed to enjoy carbon content in the atmosphere. The trees and other plants will take care of it, or they would if they were still here and not being butchered to make room for useless cult centers littering the landscape or for more home for hyper-reproductive cult members. There should be a ban on cult center - one every fifty miles minimum.

This brings me to the "chuckle."

During my four hour, five-pints-o'-Guinness lunch, the tv was tuned to AMC for a showing of Two Mules for Sister Sarah. I had never seen all of it but it is okay for a western. During the final, climactic battle between the French soldiers and the Mexican rebels, I smiled to myself as the pieces fell into place: Earth Day, this movie on tv, Catholics killing Catholics.

Happy Earth Day.

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