
Pat Condell: Shame on the Netherlands

What really chaps my hide is something that Pat points out: if a person spoke critically of izlame to the same extent that its own text does of other people and religions, by sharia law, that person would be imprisoned or even executed. That is a head-scratcher. Not only that, but izlamic states have tried to elicit an international accord or some-such through the UN to make criticizing a religion a crime.

How is this even possible for rational people to consider? You cannot criticize my beliefs? Our beliefs make us who we are so really this is about not criticizing people. Why is this such a big deal? Are they concerned that people will easily find something about which to be critical? Hmm, let's see. Maybe it the intolerance, the inhumanity, and the abuse of their own on a basic human rights-level. It is contemptible, anachronistic behavior that does not belong in the modern world.

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