
Cut the cord already!

Everyone looks forward to the day that they move out of their parents house and strike out on their own. The sense of independence! The freedom to do what you want, how and when you want, and for as long as you want. You have the power and responsibility for your life and your actions. The feeling is exhilarating!

There are some who never want to leave their parents house. They want the power but none of the responsibility. For them, there is religion. Sure they have real responsibility but they know that they have their sky daddy to run to and hide behind its skirt when they can't cut the mustard.

i listen to my father now and then but it is only for advise or maybe a suggestion...never for a command to action. Even if I do react that way, it was my decision to do so. Others, with the crutch of religion, have that x factor to fill in the blank, to shoulder the burden and the blame for poor decisions, including the lack of a decision.

Leaving home and the influence of your parents is a right of passage to adulthood. So...what is their problem?

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