
Jesus made me puke

Link: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/20278737/jesus_made_me_puke/print

Very funny. What is the point of camps like this? Indoctrination. The fact that people are so empty and malleable that a jock-cheerleader helps them find some sort of spirituality makes these people dangerous to the public. They are a bad day at the office away from beating their spouse so that they can ask sky daddy for forgiveness.

This has been a consistent theme. Welcome to Religion. You are worthless but if you ask for forgiveness for your gawd-given...I mean...self-possessed worthlessness, gawd might forgive you. If it doesn't then you didn't pray hard enough.

Are people really this empty inside? If they are and there are so many of them, can we use these husks for storing nuclear waste? Let's have them do something useful for society for a change.

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