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Pat Condell: godless and Free
Posted by
8:43 AM
Labels: atheism, faith, fear, freedom, Pat Condell, religion, YouTube
It's all about fear
Note: this posting was done inebriated.
Fear of the hereafter and the possibility of the lack thereof.
The squeaky (loud) wheel gets the grease. These who make the most noise about religion are those who are the most confused and suspicious that it is real at all. The quiet ones are more confident.
What if gawd is the celestial mechanic? That would be nice, too. It makes the universe, sets everything in motion and that is it. No intervention, no interest, and it does not care about you.
While acquiring my inebriation, V for Vendetta was on the tv and that was my inspiration - no fear of death made Evey free. Gawd lovers are not free and never can be.
Technorati Tags:
freedom, religion, fear, cowardice
Something that they have never considered
It is a common point from evangelical xians that this is a xian nation and the majority of them would like nothing more than to have that xian nation back. Thus, they have mobilized as a political force.
Theocracies are probably the most abhorrent form of government, as considered by a rational, democracy-leaning individual. So, for the sake of argument, let us say that everyone has decided on a change and theocracy is the answer and xianity is the winner. Which one is selected as the government-sponsored religion? Catholicism, the first and arguably the true form of xianity? How about Protestantism, the off-shoot created by people who did not like the oppression of catholicism? Which of the four protestant groups should it be? Which one of the eighteen recognized families of protestantism? Tough choice...someone will be disappointed.
The hyper-evangelicals will definitely lose out because they are too extremist. Most likely, they will suffer in silence and be satisfied that the shift occurred at all. Some of them, however, will not be satisfied. They will protest and cause civil disruptions. The main religion will have to clamp down on them and drive them underground. Others, curious as to what makes this sect so bad, will seek them out and be indoctrinated. As part of the brainwashing, they will be reprogrammed to become part of an underground army that will await the day when they will have sufficient numbers to try and force a change, by any means necessary. It will be a religious civil war.
Each side will believe that they are the chosen ones, as all delusionals do, and will proceed with a game of one-ups-manship to be the victor. It will be messy and so unnecessary...I mean the disruption, not the death of nutjobs.
It reminds me of a video of Richard Dawkins speaking at a university. One student asks him, "what if you are wrong?" He does give her an answer but the key aspect of his answer comes at the end when he points out to her that the one thing that she needs to ask herself, what if she is wrong.
They just do not think of these questions because as Mr. Dawkins has said before: "thinking is anathema to religion."
Technorati Tags:
religion, thinking, thoughts, Youtube, Richard Dawkins
Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: religion, Richard Dawkins, thinking, thoughts, YouTube
I want to ride the bus
(Found at Gods4Suckers.Net)
My favorite line: ...thinking is anathema to religion. So very true.
Actually, my favorite line is the text of the banner.
Technorati Tags:
religion, atheism, thinking
Posted by
12:49 PM
These send a chill down my spine
These people are by no means the average but they exist and in numbers that are frightening. This is the type of mindset that breeds xian and iz-lame-ic terrorists. Be very afraid.
From the first clip: For this woman, the faith of the candidate is the only test. She does not deserve to be a citizen. Correction, she is not because she does not live in America. She lives in the fantasy world in her hollow head. We do not hear from the husband in the clip so we cannot judge his level of decision-making but it boggles my mind that they can continue in their relationship, especially since she obviously has only one that matters to her.
From the second clip: The Concerned Citizen of Democracy askWhy the — is Ohio given such prominence in the election coverage? It is a marginal state, now identified as being loaded with ignorant coprolites. I know that this is not the only state with such populations and this is an isolated example. However, as mentioned before, this is a mindset of evil - evil to humanity. As an aside, do you think that the reporter mentioned that the interviews were for the Al Jazeera news service?
Technorati Tags:
democracy, idiocy, religion, Youtube, Jebus cult, america at its worst
Posted by
12:12 PM
Labels: america at its worst, democracy, Jebus cult, religion, YouTube
Pirate football and Death
There was an article in a local newspaper about a local high school football team whose boosters had purchased a good quantity of spirit flags for people and businesses to put up around town. The woman who voiced her opinion is grossly confused.
The skull and crossed bones, the Jolly Roger, is means to strike fear. It is not Satanic. xianity is replete with images of bones in paintings that hang in the Vatican museum, which I have personally seen. You find the motif on sarcophagi of popes and saints.
Perhaps there is a difference between the understanding of Catholics, the true xian faith post judaism, and her bastard-splinter faction of make-believe - which is not even 100 years old. Can she not even recognize that her faith is nothing more that a necrophilic cult?
Her vapidity makes me cringe that such mouth-breathers walk the earth. Read a fucking book and embrace the truth of your phoney-baloney system: alcohol gave you life, your sky daddy will only give you death. That is its only thing it will ever do for you.
On top of all this, this os about high school football in Texas. It is hard to decide which is more worthless.
* * *
Reprinted without permission because it is public domain and they charge to look at archived materials. I typed this from the physical copy that I had.
FORT WORTH, Texas (2008-09-18) —
One person's spirit symbol is another's banner of doom, according to Hood County, Texas, residents involved in an unlikely scrap over black skull-and-crossbones flags intended to rally football fans round the Granbury High School Pirates.
"I've started a big stink, evidently, in Granbury," said Nadra Arnold-Curry, who spoke up at a recent Hood County Commissioners Court meeting to register her disapproval of the black flags distributed by the Touchdown Club football boosters. "I appreciate our teams and coaches, too. But I have to stand up for my biblical convictions." The 39-year Granbury, Texas, resident branded the flags "satanic" and warned that the city could be risking "the wrath of God" by flaunting them. Granbury is southwest of Fort Worth.
Hood County commissioners listened, then granted the booster club permission to post them on county property. "It had nothing to do with the content of the flags," Commissioner Dick Roan said. "Most of the flags in question were in the city of Granbury, but for the two or three that were on county property, we approved them."
No doubt, the Jolly Roger symbol was originally intended to strike fear into the hearts of would-be pirate victims. But in Granbury?
"Everything I've ever read about black flags and white skulls and bones, it's called the 'flag of death,'" Arnold-Curry said this week. "That's what I automatically think of when I see it, gloom and doom." Arnold-Curry, football boosters and county commissioners alike say they can't believe that the flag flap has grown to such proportions.
"The Hood County News" has printed several letters and editorials after a Sept. 10 story on the Commissioners Court meeting, and other media outlets have checked in, too. "It's all fairly comical, in my opinion," said Don Titus, president of the booster club, which bought about 200 of the fearsome flags to rally community support on game weekends. The flags are posted around the city and at participating businesses on Thursdays and taken down on Saturdays during football season. With the arrival of coach Scotty Pugh from Dallas' Highland Park program, Granbury's less-than-stellar football program received a makeover during the off-season, Titus said. The Touchdown Club swelled from 20 to 400 members and began sprucing up school-spirit symbols such as repainting faded "peg leg" pirate footprints on sidewalks. Titus designed a new logo for the club, and plans called for putting his nonpirate "G" design on flags to line the streets.
"It was going to cost $80 apiece to have them made," he said, "so we went instead with the Jolly Roger design on pre-made flags that cost us $1.80 apiece."
Arnold-Curry and Titus spoke on the phone after the county meeting last week, he said. "The difference between us is she thinks the flags are satanic and I think they're nautical history."
Sandy Price sells embroidered and screen-printed team uniforms and spirit wear at her Granbury shop, All About Sports & Awards. Her son Zach plays junior-varsity football. She flies the Jolly Roger in front of the shop every Thursday and Friday. "Before this even came up, we were hanging up a big old Jolly Roger sign in our 'Pirate Cove' area," she said. "Most of the people in town have been quite excited about it."
County Commissioner Steve Berry grew up with a Jolly Roger flag on his bedroom wall. "This is about kids, not parents or politics or even religion," he said, noting the record 256 boys who tried out for football this year in the revitalized Granbury program. "Everybody's entitled to their opinion," he said of Arnold-Curry's remarks. "There have been two or three other people who have said they don't like the way the flags look, and that's OK."
Technorati Tags:
idiots, ignorance, religion, sky daddy, assholes
Pat Condell: Stop sharia law in Britain
The thoughts are easily transplanted to any belief system that allows fanatical behavior and that includes xianity.
Technorati Tags:
ignorance, Pat Condell, religion, Youtube
Posted by
7:55 AM
Labels: ignorance, Pat Condell, religion, YouTube
Jesus made me puke
Very funny. What is the point of camps like this? Indoctrination. The fact that people are so empty and malleable that a jock-cheerleader helps them find some sort of spirituality makes these people dangerous to the public. They are a bad day at the office away from beating their spouse so that they can ask sky daddy for forgiveness.
This has been a consistent theme. Welcome to Religion. You are worthless but if you ask for forgiveness for your gawd-given...I mean...self-possessed worthlessness, gawd might forgive you. If it doesn't then you didn't pray hard enough.
Are people really this empty inside? If they are and there are so many of them, can we use these husks for storing nuclear waste? Let's have them do something useful for society for a change.
Technorati Tags:
Jebus cult, religion, head-scratcher
Posted by
12:27 PM
Labels: head-scratcher, Jebus cult, religion
Regarding Pat Condell
I like including Pat Condell on here so I feel that it is worth explaining why.
Condell's discussions are about issues in Britain regarding radical Islam. He lately has been highlighting the corrosion of rights afforded everyone in Britain by yielding to the needs of Islam, which, in many instances, are egregious and contrary to the existing system. While it is easy to say Well, that is another country dealing with Islam, I find it a very simple exercise to change Britain with America, and Islam with Christianity. When I do, I am angered just as much.
Some my scoff that such a thing is not possible to occur. I beg to differ. There are fanatics of xianity who are just as vile, just as backward thinking, and just as undeserving to reside in a democracy. They propose adhering to ancient practices of bigotry, violence, and other hatreds in the name of their Boogieman. They oppose moving humanity forward because each step of progress is a step away from the fece-throwing life of their mumbo-jumbo handbook. They oppose freedom because, for one, the handbooks say nothing of it, but mostly because Boogieman is a parent figure and parents don't like it when children become adults -- because the child is no longer useful to their parent's family unit and has to be driven away.
How can anyone in good conscience and with any scrap of self-worth stomach such vile persons? Throw them out. Throw them in the ocean, put them in a spaceship and shoot them into the sun, something.
Technorati Tags:
ignorance, oppression, Pat Condell, sky daddy, superstitions
Posted by
12:38 PM
Labels: ignorance, oppression, Pat Condell, sky daddy, Superstitions