
The PTC and You (Have you had your shots?)

Source: http://www.parentstv.org/PTC/news/release/2008/0805.asp

The heady brain trust that is The Parents' Television Council today released a report lambasting the volume of sex on television. They cite a number of shows (that I do not watch) as being not only full of innuendo but with situations that promote casual sex and affairs over marital sex. Somehow, I think that they would still have blood in their stool if the shows only had marital sex.

What these people fail to grasp is sex is a part of everyday life, whether you are a finch in a tree, an indian in a South American rainforest, an atheist, or one of the PTC's board members. Religion does not have a control on sex. Animals have been doing it for millions of years without the concept of marriage and civilized pagans were making the beast with two backs for a good four millennia B.C.E. (Yes, I know that the designation Before Christian Era is the new anthropological middle finger to uppity Xians).

Sex is not going to go away. It is here to stay until the last human in the universe expires. However, because Xianity has never grasped the concept of logic, I'll give you a hand and it won't cost you a single lap dance. This one is free of charge. PTC's slogan is: because our children are watching. Yes they are. Try watching it with them. If you don't like it, change the channel or do the intelligent thing and talk to them about in instead of withholding information as you have been brainwashed to do.

What's that? You can't discuss it because they won't understand? Too bad that you have stupid children. On the bright side, they are more than qualified for a theological job.

Link to the report: http://parentstv.org/PTC/news/release/2008/0805.asp

(I advise not reading it on the toilet in the morning or you might fall off and hurt yourself laughing.)

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