I pointed out to someone many years ago that man is nothing but an animal and they firmly disagreed. I immediately said nothing more because I respect this person and did not want to argue religion with them. Most religious people do not like to acknowledge that we really are animals. Someone has probably argued that Gawd made us separate from the animals. Did it? According to the Bibble, animals were made and man came later. It does not explain how animals were made but focuses on the creation of man. Were animals created with a finger-snap or were they also made out of swamp mud like man? You have to realize that how animals were made is not important to the Bibble, although the fact that they were made first makes me believe that they were more important. The creation myth tells us how man arose. It is a burning question that we want to have answered. All creation myths tell how humans came to be. That is what they are there to do. Perhaps the creation of animals was difficult to explain because four thousand years ago, your average desert-dwelling, dirt-sucking peasant was lacking knowledge of genetics, bio-engineering, and evolution. However, he did have plenty of dirt and the occasional water source with which he could fashion bricks, pots, and humanoid figures. Holy crap, our D.D.D.S.P. thought, that must be how the great camel merchant in the sky did it. Makes perfect sense to me. Attention was paid to the creation of man and woman so they must be special and better than animals, despite being cobbled together at the last minute before the omnipotent Wonder Daddy decided he needed a nap.
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