
Grooming Politicians for Christ

Link: http://articles.latimes.com/2005/aug/23/nation/na-statesman23

Here comes the vomit. This is why you must always vote. These are our Nazis. Voter turnout in Germany is consistently high to hopefully prevent something like the NDSAP from happening again. We have the same problem. They both think that they are doing good but they are truly the same.

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Bynkii: The End of Divorce

John Welch makes some beautiful points.

It seems like this bullshit about "saving marriage" is nothing more than making its proponents seem desperate to have something that makes them special. Marriage is not special, it is work, no matter what anyone tells you.

Link: http://www.bynkii.com/archives/2008/11/its_the_end_of_divorce.html

Now that California and Florida have banned gay marriage, (and in FL's case, any and all legal/civil recognition of homosexual relationships) I'm sure we'll never ever see another divorce in either state again. Why, in every state where gay marriage has been banned, the divorce rate, nay, even the marital counseling rate has immediately dropped to zero.

Heck, in Arkansas, they banned gays from being able to adopt or even foster kids, so in that state, we'll never see another abused kid again, right?

At least they will be abused properly by Great Juju-fearin' xians.

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It's all about fear

From notes made while buzzed and after watching V for Vendetta.

What is the motivation for religion? Fear of the hereafter and the possibility of the lack thereof. There must be a purpose because I am so fucking special! You are as special as a bacteria, and I dare say that some bacteria contribute more to the world and humanity that some poeple - even generations of them.

Why a pushy gawd-luhvuhs so fucking annoying? The squeaky (loud) wheel gets the grease. These who make the most noise about religion are those who are the most confused and suspicious that it is real. They have doubt and doubt, like thinking, like individuality, is anathema to religion because it works on faith, for which there is no 800 help line, warranty, in-store demonstration, or convincing product literature.

What if gawd is the celestial mechanic? Richard Dawkins, in a video clip that I posted earlier, responded to a student who asked him, what if he was wrong. His response was, what if she was wrong? Something she may never have considered before, or maybe she had but the implication scared her. What if it is the Great Juju Under The Sea? What if gawd is the celestial mechanic - setting the cosmos in motion and after that, hands off?

In V for Vendetta, overcoming her fear of death made Evey free. It made her mind open to more possibilities for good or ill. Gawd luhvuhs are not free and never can be within their system.

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Thoughts: Art, taxes

Fair warning: this is a conversation that popped into my head this morning. It this one is going to be rough.

At first I thought of the New Yorker cover with Obama and his wife that caused a stir a few months ago.

Then I thought of another cover: McCain giving Jesus a rusty trombone. What might xians think?

- that's revolting.
- it's art, like a crucifix in a jar of urine.
- i'm not paying my taxes for that.
- and i'm not paying my taxes for schools because i have no kids, nor do I support a level of taxation that is sufficient to provide tax breaks for religious organization.
- that's different, they do good for the community.
- and art is for culture and society, a concept lost of ignorant bastards such as yourself. I'll take a real jar of urine over your make-believe piss any day.

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