Es gibt sehr einfact zu verstehen: sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam. To the other inhabited worlds in the universe, he gave superior intellect, advanced civilization, and deep space travel technology. Then, in a sort of Scared Straight type of program, they come to Earth.
The Naked Prey - Central American Style
Over the holiday break (a belated Happy Saturnalia to everyone), I finally managed to make time to watch Apocalypto. I liked it. I like those fun-loving Central American cultures anyway. It some respects, they are more advanced than us and they have a religion that is fun, not the boring, sanctimonious bullshit that is Christianity. I digress.
Most of the cast did a good job. The leader of the raiding party was my personal favorite. His intensity was palpable. The star from the village was not quite as good as the leader but good nonetheless.
When the movie reaches the point that the group is being released from bondage and it is finally the chance of our man from the village to make his attempt, the first thing that popped into my mind was The Naked Prey. One man fleeing, a group in pursuit, and killing off his pursuers one by one. It doesn't have the same ending and there certainly are other "pursuit" movies but I see the parallels. Since I am talking about parallels, the beginning of the film reminds me now - not then - of the opening of Akira Kurosawa's Ran.
I did read that there was criticism from groups about the movie. Of course, there is. What a bunch of whiny shits.
It paints them as savages.
No. The film is a tiny slice of time. Only stupid motherfuckers would make the association of a dire situation with a constant lifestyle. Read a fucking book about them and learn for yourself.
It did not highlight their achievements in mathematics or astronomy.
That was not the reason for the story. Actually, it did highlight their understanding of astronomy. When the eclipse occurs, the king and the other guy (the Head Chac, maybe - I honestly don't know), give each other knowing nods of what the king will do next. The king plays his people like saps, especially when he knows that the event is about to end. Hmm, that sounds familiar.
Is no one else tired of the constant whining of groups when their constituent group is slighted in the least. Unless it is blatantly untrue, shut the fuck up, will you.
So long as I am here, the other guy, who stands to the left of the king and queen after the ritual, with the giant things with huge feathers - again, is he the Head Chac? - he definitely wins the 2000's Decade Academy Award for Best Hat in a motion picture. The king was close but nothing like the winner.
Watch it. It's available on Blu-Ray. (Fuck Universal).
I give it four skulls.
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12:33 PM
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